Recently we have talked a lot about public transit and cycling as alternatives to the private automobile. But the best alternative is something that is very healthy, easy to implement, relatively safe, and extremely cost effective....walking.
From October 3 to 5 , an international conference will be held in Vancouver to examine how best to create highly walkable and livable communities. Delegates will be coming from all over the world to share experiences about creating successful pedestrian oriented environments. I am pleased to be a participant in the conference and will talk about a number of communities with which I have been involved which were designed around the pedestrian.
I'll be writing more about this in the coming months, but in the meanwhile, here's some information about the conference, since the early registration deadline of AUGUST 2, 2011 is approaching.
This conference will offer a diverse and stimulating breakout program presented in a number of engaging formats including walkshops, Pecha Kucha and multimedia. The first draft of the breakout program is now posted for viewing and individual presentation summaries can be read by clicking on the link below.
Early Bird Deadline is August 2. Save money on your registration fee by registering by August 2. The organizers expect a sold-out event, so don't wait. Register Now!
Walk21 is a conference series that features the best urban design, health promotion, and best practices for making spaces and cities more walkable, comfortable and convenient. Drawing from a range of regions, this year's selection will emphasize "Transforming the Automobile City."
Dr. David Suzuki will be a plenary speaker on Monday, October 3. As we all know in Vancouver, Dr. Suzuki is an award-winning scientist, environmentalist and broadcaster. He is the recipient of UNESCO's Kalinga Prize for Science, the United Nations Environment Program Medal, and UNEPs Global 500.
For more details on how to register, go to http://www.walk21.com/vancouver/
I have a feeling this will turn out to be a very special and worthwhile event. A number of local, well known and accomplished urbanists and planners are involved in its organization. Stay tuned for more details....
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