Brasilia is the modern capital city of
While in many respects it was a difficult place to be a tourist, it was fascinating to see. It is a vivid case study on how planning has changed in 50 years.
We nearly didn't come. When we tried to book a hotel, only two had space, and we didn’t want to stay at a Brazilian Comfort Inn. When we tried to book flights, the airlines wouldn’t accept our international credit cards. So we did something we have never done before. We went to the airport with no reservations and no tickets. When the taxi driver asked which terminal, we had no idea. As it turned out, we were lucky. TAM, the Brazilian airline in Terminal 1, (or was it 2?) had a flight in an hour. We bought a ticket, checked in, and it was all too good to be true. And it was. The flight was delayed two hours! But we eventually got there, although I missed seeing the city, whose site plan is based on the shape of a bird or plane, from the air in daylight.
As it turned out the hotel was just fine. We had a great room, free internet, in a good location, if you consider ‘the hotel zone’ a good location! That’s right. In the plan prepared by Niemeyer and Costa, all the hotels are located together in hotel zones, with little else around them; no small shops to buy snacks and water; no apartments; few restaurants; just lots of hotels, and a large nearby shopping centre.
In fact, the entire city is planned that way. Elsewhere are the government precincts; the embassy precincts; the 4 storey residential precincts; the 6 storey residential precincts; the high rise residential precincts; the sports and leisure precincts; and so on, all separated by very wide arterial roads.
The concept for the neighbourhoods is similar to that of
The character of the place is best exemplified by the street addresses. Most people live in ‘superquadras’ such as SQS 105, Bloco A-501, 70344
Each sector is separated by wide arterial roads, with grade separated intersections, and lots of cloverleaves. To illustrate the situation, on our first evening we wanted to go to a restaurant we could see from our hotel. However, we had to take a taxi since it was across a major boulevard street, with no traffic lights or pedestrian crossings. The road system was so contorted the taxi cost 30 percent more coming than going!
We should have taken some organized tours, but since there were few if any other tourists, we would have been on our own in a little van. We considered renting a car, but Sally was concerned we would always be lost. I told her we can’t get lost if we don’t know where we are going, but she wasn’t convinced. So we decided to tour by public bus routes suggested by our guide book. At first, we had little success. However, everyone was extremely friendly and helpful. At one point, a fellow passenger who couldn't speak English handed me his cell phone. It turned out he had dialed a friend who could speak English, to give us directions!
We toured most of Niemeyer’s major buildings which really are quite extraordinary. We also walked by the 17 identical government office buildings. At one point, we couldn’t get from the congress to the street above, so we did what other people did, and used the steps that had been carved into the side of the grass slope.
We were both disturbed by some of the major civic spaces that were completely devoid of trees and street furniture of any kind. Many of the buildings were much too sculptural to be functional, which reminded us of a famous Canadian architect.
We took the bus over a new bridge that was voted the best bridge in the world in 2003. En route we met a young lady who told us it wasn’t often she met foreigners on a bus in
The second evening, we took the advice of Jon’s friends Carlos and Tina, who live in
On the third evening we went for dinner with Carlos and Tina to a wine shop that served meals in the evening. A very interesting concept. I was a bit disappointed that after a very good Brazilian champagne, the sommelier proposed an Australian white and Spanish red. In fact, there are some very good Brazilian wines. But we had a very good evening together, and enjoyed experiencing their very sophisticated approach to life in
After three days, it was time to again move on. We decided our next stop would be who I had met in
Brasilia, like the art gallery in Balbao, was intended to put the country on the world map. It cost a lot of money, and put many governments in debt. But the consensus is that it is now a great success in terms of having opened up a major part of the country. I would just like to see some changes to make it a bit friendlier to pedestrians. But Carlos mentioned that certain things can’t be changed in order to keep the UNESCO designation intact. Hopefully one day, the UN will allow some small shops in the hotel zones.
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شركة رواد الحرمين تقدم لكم
شركه عزل فوم بالرياض
شركه تنظيف منازل بالدمام
اغفضل الخدمات في مجال التنظيف والعزل نتكمتع دائما باارضاء العمبل
نحن نطمع عزيزى العميل فى الوصول الى راحتك الدائمة و ان تكون تتمتع بالمعيشة فى حياه هادئة
و اننا نتميز بوجود فريق عمل مميز يعلم جيدا ما يفعلة لكى يصل الى النظافة المطلوبة
و اننا نعمل على ان نصل الى النظافة بالشكل السليم الذى يحقق لك عزيزى العميل الوصول الى النظافة المطلوبة
التى تكون فى الطريقة المشرفة امام جميع الضيوف الذين يحضرون اليك عزيزى العميل الى منزلك
و اننا نستخدم الاساليب التى تعمل على انجاز هذة المهمة بشكل سريع و فى اقرب وقت ممكن وسرعه ائقه في مجال الخدمات المنزلية
فانة عزيزى العميل لا عليك سوى الاستعانة بنا
و نحن سوف ننجز عملية التنظيف بالشكل المطلوب الذى يسمح لك ان تكون فى الوصول الى النظافة المطلوبة لك عزيزى العميل
و ايضا كل هذا مع اعطائك بعض النصائح لك عزيزىا العميل الى ان يكون منزلك فى الحالة النظيفة التى عليها
و يظل هكذا الى اطول فترة ممكنة و الوصول الى النظافة التى تطمع لها عزيزى العميل و ان تصل الى الجودة المطلوبة
و هذا بالاستعانة ب شركتنا فاننا على القدر و االمعرفة المطلوبة التى تعمل على ان تصل الى النظافة المطلوبة عزيزى العميل
كما ان هذا كلة و يكون بافضل الاسعار و الخصومات لك عزيزى العميل و هذا لعملائنا العزيز و الوصول الى الهدف الذى نسعى الية
و هو الوصول الى النظافة الشاملة و المتكاملة لك عزيزى العميل و اننا نعمل على التواصل الدائم و المستمر
لكى نصل الراحة اليومية التى تريدها عزيزى العميل و هذا بالاضافة الى اننا نستخدم افضل المواد و التى تمتاز بفاعلية قوية
نتمني لكم مذيد من الراحه معنا في موسسه رواد الحرمين
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