Monday, December 28, 2020

Vancouver Sun 2020 Year-end Forecast: Home Thoughts for the New Year

Last December, in my Westcoast Homes year-end forecast, I told Vancouver Sun readers to expect an increased focus on the design of healthier buildings and communities in 2020.

Now, before you assume that I have psychic powers like my namesake Uri Geller, I did not anticipate the coronavirus pandemic. Rather, I was responding to what I perceived to be a growing awareness regarding the negative health impacts of traffic pollution and noise.  I completely ignored the possibility of a pandemic.

As we look to 2021, we most certainly cannot ignore COVID-19. Much will depend on the timing and effectiveness of the vaccines that have recently become available.

However, regardless of when life returns to ‘normal,’ as evidenced by past pandemics, COVID-19 will have lasting effects on the design of our housing, neighbourhoods and cities, and in particular, where we choose to live and work.

During the tuberculosis epidemic in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, before antibiotics became readily available, sunlight and fresh air were the best-known cures. This led to the introduction of sleeping porches on the upper floor of Victorian houses.

Illustration of a woonerf (living street) called Lions Gate Lane to be located at Lions Gate Village in the District of North Vancouver. jpg

While today’s homes no longer have sleeping porches, they often have decks and balconies. In my 2019 year-end forecast, I predicted that in 2020, we would start to see a wider application of European-styled retractable glass panel systems to make balconies more useable year-round.

COVID-19 has shone a spotlight on the benefits of having a balcony. Over the coming year, expect to see even more municipalities allowing retractable glass panels on balconies, decks, and patios to make them more functional throughout the year.

The 1918 flu pandemic introduced the ‘powder room’ in houses to keep guests away from other bathrooms. It also transformed bathroom designs. Shiny white seats replaced wooden toilet seats. Pedestal sinks, built-in bathtubs, and white subway tiles were introduced to minimize the spread of germs.

Around the same time, the famous French-Swiss architect Le Corbusier urged people to strip their homes of needless clutter, eliminate carpets and heavy furniture, and keep the floors and walls clear. He envisioned a city where every home was whitewashed, and “there are no more dirty, dark corners.”

Even before COVID-19, an increasing number of Metro Vancouver multi-family developments began offering clean, white interiors and exteriors. However, most spec-built, single-family homes often seemed to belong to another era and place.

In the coming year, I will be interested to see if some single-family homebuilders replace their traditional Georgian, Victorian, and Edwardian house designs with cleaner, more modern designs.

COVID-19 has forced many of us to work from home. This will impact other aspects of residential design.

While for many, the kitchen or dining table often served as the ‘home office,’ households now need a quieter place to work, preferably away from the rest of the family.

A separate home office is the ideal. However, in smaller apartments, this will generally not be possible. Therefore, expect architects to modify suite layouts, possibly by adding a door to the living room.

This will allow both a visual and acoustic separation from the kitchen and dining area, which is not possible with today’s standard apartment layouts. It will also allow some living rooms to function as bedrooms at night.

Over the past year, many started to question whether COVID-19 will spell the end of urban density and apartment living.

Another idea may be a ‘lock-off’ arrangement with a separate portion of the suite having direct access to the corridor, serving as an office by day and bedroom at night.

Previous pandemics and epidemics often transformed built environments. The 19th century cholera pandemics resulted in new tree-lined boulevards and urban parks around the world. In the 1850s, New York City’s Board of Health created Central Park, the nation’s first public park, on the premise that open urban space improved human and environmental health.

Many years ago, Vancouver established a park space requirement of 2.75 acres for every 1,000 residents. In recent years, this appears to have been forgotten. However, in the coming year, expect Vancouver and other municipalities to explore how to create more parks, plazas, and public open spaces.

One solution may be to reallocate road space by reducing vehicular driving lanes to allow wider sidewalks. We may even see plans for some streets to be converted into pedestrian zones, like those found in many major European cities.

Over the years, as Lower Mainland housing prices increased, commuting times often became correspondingly longer. It seemed like many homebuyers had to keep driving until they could find something they could afford.

However, in recent years, many households have started to move away from the Lower Mainland to smaller communities like Squamish and Pemberton. In a recent Westcoast Homes & Design article, I wrote about younger households moving to Lillooet. A similar trend has been happening on Vancouver Island where households are moving away from Victoria.

As a result of COVID, and a greater familiarity with technologies like Zoom and Microsoft Teams, more households realize they no longer need to live so close to where they work. In the coming year, expect an increasing number of people to move away to smaller, more affordable communities, with corresponding shifts in housing prices.

Over the past year, many started to question whether COVID-19 will spell the end of urban density and apartment living. While there is no doubt many households will prefer ground-oriented housing over elevator accessed apartments, I do not expect to see an end to higher density developments in either the short or distant future.

However, I do expect a much greater interest in what is being called ‘the 15-minute city’ in which most residents’ needs — from work to shopping to leisure activities — can all be found within a 15-minute walk or short bike ride from their homes.

For most of us, this has been an awful year. However, COVID-19 may offer a silver lining in that, just as I predicted last year that we would witness a greater focus on the design of healthier homes and communities in 2020, we should most definitely expect this to continue in 2021.

On this positive note, let me wish you all a Happy New Year.

Michael Geller is a Vancouver-based planner, real estate consultant, developer and retired architect. He also serves as an adjunct professor at Simon Fraser University. He can be reached at and his blog is found at

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