Friday, August 28, 2009
Knokke-Heist: one of Belgium's best-kept secrets
Kortrijk: a prosperous place
Sally particularly liked the Begynhof St. Elizabeth, a residential area for women who did not subscribe to conventional religious thinking. Anyone familiar with her religious attitudes whould know that she would have had to live there!

Glorous Ghent
It also has a system of canals and one can take a boat trip...not as interesting as Bruges, but still a good way to see the city.
The somewhat unusual sign on the water in Ghent was referring to global warming. Nick Balthasar, a film director from Ghent has gathered 10.000 people on the Ostend beach to dance for 'The Big Ask Again'. U2 offered their tune 'Magnificent' for free for the videoclip of the event. The clip is a big urge to the decisionmakers at the climate summit of Copenhague to finally do something. It is Balthasar's second clip on this item. The previous one was called....The Big Ask.You can travel by horse and carriage, but you really can't get around by car...indeed, I am told that Ghent has the largest car-free area in Europe.
In most respects I found Ghent to be far more interesting than Bruges. I was particularly taken with the variety of architecture, both old and new. There are numerous shopping districts with many of the same stores as Vancouver. However, there are also many unique to the city. In terms of prices, we generally found things to be more expensive than in Vancouver. In many places, a Euro (worth about 1.55) is a dollar. Indeed, items that were priced in international shops and international currencies might sell for 49 euros and $45 US and $50 CDN, although occasionally the US and Canadian price was shown to be the same amount. But still less than in euros.
In Bruges
Monday, August 24, 2009
Euro Banknotes: ages and styles of European Architecture

windows and gateways; and according to my Michelin Guide, 'bridges symbolizing European openness and cooperation'.
The guide goes on to note that the images are stylized representations of architecture typical of each period rather than specific structures.
I mention this since I sense that there is a much greater interest in architecture amongst the general public in Europe than in North America. Here in Belgium, there is a fascinating mix of styles and constant evidence of an interest in the buildings, furniture stores and public street works. I will write more about this in future posts. In the meanwhile, take another look at the money. It doesn't last long over here!

The Garmin Navigator: my new best friend!
Before leaving Canada, Sally gave me a portable navigation device for our car in Europe. I must confess, I wondered whether it would work in the smaller villages and along the narrow roads of rural Belgium. BOY WAS I WRONG, THIS THING IS FANTASTIC!
I can't even begin to understand how it works. But if you haven't used one, you simply type in the place you want to go to, and a street address if you have one, and it provides you with a map, an estimated time of arrival, and very detailed instructions, accompanied by a lovely lady's voice to tell you when and where to turn. And if you don't turn when you ought to....RECALCULATING!...and then the instructions begin again.
What I didn't expect is that the unit also gives me the applicable speed limit, my speed, and warns me whenever there is speed radar along the road. This is invaluable, especially in countries where speeding fines are very expensive.
The amazing thing is that it is supposed to work in every country in Europe. It can be programmed into different languages. It is quite remarkable.
Last week there was a photo in the French newspaper of an unbelievable traffic jam....hours long, and if I understood the caption correctly, it implied that this is what happens when everyone's GPS system directs them to the same road all at once...pity, since there are so many lovely little roads in France.
I mention this since we too often want to avoid taking the major problem. We just program in an intermediate destination that will take us along a different and potentially more scenic route.
Garmin has completely transformed our driving experience and I highly recommend the affordable nuvi 275T navigation unit. And when I get home, I can apparently add in 'hands free calling', regular traffic reports, and (if I want) notices of special sales in stores en route. What else can I say?
Friday, August 21, 2009
bicycles, mussels,mirrors and chocolate delights
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