Thursday, September 8, 2022

It's election season: TEAM and ABC hold events

As the election season gets underway, I plan to attend events organized by the various political parties. Not all of them, since there are reportedly ten parties running candidates. But I do want to meet those council candidates who may have a chance of winning and serving on council. Of course, everyone else who is voting should as well!

On August 23rd I attended a TEAM event at St. James Hall, at which their candidates were introduced. The room was very full and hot, and while I didn't stay for the entire event, I was pleased to hear from their council candidates, who, except for Bill Tieleman, I didn't know. (I do know and admire Cleta Brown but was told she was out of town and unable to participate.

On Tuesday I attended the ABC campaign event at the Floata Restaurant. It was an entirely different affair and most impressive with many former NPA supporters in attendance, along with three former NPA councillors (Sarah Kirby Yung, Lisa Dominato and Rebecca Bligh) and a former NPA council candidate (Mike Klassen). Having watched the NPA disintegrate over the past couple of years, I wasn't surprised to see so many NPA types in attendance. I just hope the voters know that today's NPA is not the party it once was and doesn't deserve any of its traditional support. 

What did surprise me was the size of the crowd, estimated at around 1000, which is the maximum seating capacity of the restaurant. The event was well organized with an elevated level of excitement in the room. While the speeches weren't particularly special, the entertainment was with performers from the South Asian, Chinese, and Filipino communities. 

Having run for council myself, I don't advocate voting entire party slates since the reality is, some candidates are much stronger than others. (I didn't vote for some of the NPA candidates with whom I ran in 2008). That said, while the campaign is just getting started, I think Rebecca, Lisa and Sarah Kirby-Yung have proven themselves to be thoughtful and open-minded councillors and while I did not agree with all their voting decisions, their performance and experience justifies re-election. 

I will also be voting for Mike Klassen, who I first met in 2007. He is most civically engaged and would be an excellent councillor. I also want to see Peter Meiszner on council. I first met him when he was with Global TV doing a story on the serious need to address the problems of the Downtown Eastside. He understands planning and urban issues and deserves a seat on council. 

While I am not currently aware of any other major campaign events being planned, I look forward to hearing details. But even though I ran for the NPA, you won't find me at any of their events this campaign season.

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