Sunday, September 23, 2018

Miscellaneous images from around Moscow

Remnants from FIFA can be found around Moscow
Even Russia's state-funded RT network appeared to have a hard time believing these two were simply tourists in Salsbury
Moscow's newest park Zaryadye is really quite remarkable. My activities in Russia are the result of Gaetan Royer's involvement as a judge for an international competition that selected the winning design. (He put forward my name as a potential judge for a competition to select a team to design a new international financial centre.) I particularly like the elevated 'pier' that takes you out over the city.
While most of the new housing in Moscow is in what I would call the 'Nouveau-Riche' style, I particularly liked these boxy apartment buildings
My colleague Alexei Muratov kindly treated me to lunch at this clever concept restaurant. Wine and Crab. It would work in Vancouver!
In the past, I have been cautious around the Russian police. But this friendly member of the city's Tourist Police was more than pleased to pose for a photo
Remember Hari Krishna? They're now in Moscow.

The audience at Strelka. They represent 100 of the brightest young architects and planners from more than 50 cities around Russia, selected to participate in a program that brought in international speakers, like me! One of those cameras at the back belongs to a photographer working for the CBC (yes our CBC!)
Some of the students and organizers after my talk.
Setting up a segment on how Moscow is becoming a more livable city with CBC's Corinne Seminoff and Chris Brown

Yes, Chris is much taller than he appears on TV!
And fnally, a shot which shows the modern financial district contrasted by some of the older buildings.

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