Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Kauai miscellaneous

Whenever I travel, I can't help noticing things that interest and amuse me, but rarely others. So here are some of the items I noticed on this trip.
At the Kauai Mini Golf and Botanical Gardens you can play an educational round of golf. At each hole there is information about the history, culture and environment of Hawaii. It was also a lot of fun.
It's not often you drive down a narrow, remote road and come across a large cruise ship!
Around the island are these Chicken in a Barrel restaurants where they smoke/barbq chickens and it is very good.
Chicken in the barrel take-out
I was amused to see these chickens hanging out at Chicken in a Barrel since I thought it might be just a matter of time before they were in the barrel.
This is what prompted my purchase of this T-shirt after lunch. My daughter was embarrassed to see me wearing it and was therefore pleased to see me purchase this more environmentally correct T-shirt at the Waipa Kalo festival. (yes, those are taro leaves.)
I always enjoy looking around supermarkets in different cities and countries. At Foodland in Kauai I was surprised to find Canadian beef was often less expensive than US beef. Now why can't we buy rib steaks for $6.95 a pound?
I'd also like to be able to buy poke at Stongs. I tried every one of these. I also enjoyed trying the many different types of fish available on the island, including marlin, different grades of ahi, opah or moonfish, monchong, and the ubiquitous mahi-mahi!
However, I decided to pass on Uncle Bob's Root Beer flavoured whiskey.

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