Monday, April 18, 2016

Vinson House Cottages: A Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA) proposal West Vancouver

An artist's illustration of the proposal to conserve West Vancouver's heritage Vinson House and add two cottages on the large (almost double lot) property at 1425 Gordon Avenue in Ambleside
It was five years ago today that my rezoning proposal for Hollyburn Mews went before West Vancouver Council. It was eventually approved and today the development is highly regarded in the community as a development for those ready to downsize, but not downgrade.

I am pleased to report that Vinson House Developments Ltd, a partnership between Trasolini/Chetner and one of my companies has now submitted another innovative housing proposal to West Vancouver. If approved, Vinson House Cottages will result in the conservation of one of West Vancouver's oldest houses, two infill cottages, and a basement suite on a large 11,550 sq.ft. Ambleside Lot.

Details can be found here,

The staff report goes to Council next Monday April 25th and if supported, a Public Hearing will be held on May 16. If you live in West Vancouver, and are concerned abut the loss of heritage and character houses, and agree there is a need for more housing choices, I hope you will come out and support this proposal at the Public Hearing.
An artist's illustration of the view along the lane with the new laneway cottage, and garages serving Vinson House and the new infill units.


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