Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I disagree with many 'view cones'

Like most Vancouverites, I support the need for many public views around our city. And having just seen the view study Open House (which is foolishly labelled A CAPACITY STUDY), I agree there is a need for a comprehensive review of the existing view cones. However, I cannot agree with the way the city is going about the process.

More specifically, people are being asked to comment on whether they support a particular view cone form a STATIC VIEWPOINT. This may have been fine 20 years ago, given our limited ability to simulate a dynamic viewpoint, but this is not the case today. Before judging the appropriateness of the view from the mid-point of the Granville Street Bridge, one should check out the view 50 yards along. Give us some moving pictures! No budget to do this? Then wait until there is some money. Otherwise, the process is flawed.

But do it soon. Because right now, any redevelopment of the St. Paul's Hospital site would be significantly hampered by a very tiny...almost infinitesimal vertical view cone slot. That's why some changes are required. Meanwhile many important public views, especially at street-ends are not always protected.

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