24 Hours Newspaper recently invited its readers to submit ideas to address homelessness. Readers are now invited to vote on what they consider to be the best idea. Below is a message from the editors. I would invite you to check out the best ideas submitted at www.vancouver.24hrs.ca/solutions. (you will have to cut and paste this URL)
I am pleased that my proposal, 'Solution C' is one of the 10 finalists. If it is selected, I will donate any prize money to a worthy DTES organization.
"We received over 800 entries to this contest and it has been an interesting and stimulating challenge to evaluate them all. The editors want to thank all the readers who took the time to think and write about this complex issue . Many of the entries had common elements – build shelters, revamp/reopen institutions that used to provide support, tax breaks for new housing, etc. The letters & essays published at www.vancouver.24hrs.ca/solutions feature the opinions and ideas that we found to be most unique or the ideas we felt were best thought out.
To vote for your favourite simply send an email to: solutions@sunmedia.ca (again, you'll have to cut and paste) with the letter of your choice clearly marked in the subject line. Your votes will help us in determining the winner of the Vancouver 24 hours Homelessness Solutions Essay competition. Check our paper on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 when we announce the winner!
(Ed. Note: Solution B, which provides a thoughtful overview with short, medium and long term solutions, including a 'Home Run' for homelessness, was declared the winner.)
The best site for the industry! Thank you to all the staff for their excellent work site!