Monday, March 23, 2009
Does the world really need another blogger? Probably not.! However...
However, although I am no longer on my world travels, and not running for any political office, I want to share with a small group of readers some of the ideas and projects with which I am involved. And given the events of today, I thought this might be a good time to re-start this blog.
Over the past little while, like many people of my age, I have completely changed how I obtain and share information. While I still have an electronic subscription to the Canwest publications, I don't spend a lot of time reading the major newspapers. Instead, I get my news from blogs...most notably Frances Bula's daily musings, and the entries.
I also check Facebook and Twitter, where I occasionally share what I am thinking. I am surprised at how many people seem to follow one another on these sites.
I think the new media are best described in Clay Shirky's book 'Here Comes Everybody'. It offers a very thoughtful account of how communication is changing in the digital world.
So what happened today? My morning was spent at a Board Meeting of the Urban Development Institute that was attended by Premier Gordon Campbell. He described our current situation with a very good analogy...we are all in a small boat paddling feverishly, to avoid going over a giant waterfall. And if we go over, it will take a long time to get back up on top. I think this is true.
While many of us who have been around for a while can understand this, unfortunately, far too many voters are too young to remember what happened when we last had NDP governments. While I personally liked both Mike Harcourt and Glen Clark, and am sure Carole James is a very nice person, I don't want to see the NDP put in charge of our economy during these very fragile times.
Following the meeting, and a very inspirational luncheon address by Campbell, I set off for the Downtown Eastside, where I spoke to a community meeting in the Carnegie Centre. I had been invited to discuss my proposal to create temporary housing with relocatable factory produced modules. While I found the setting heartbreaking, with many homeless people coming up to the microphone to speak, I was very impressed with the respectful, and generally positive response.
Most of those opposed are concerned that if this housing is built, it will defer or maybe even replace permanent social housing. I understand this concern, but still think it is better to have additional housing in place, while we wait for permanent facilities. Time will tell if the province is prepared to support the demonstration project.
Now I'm off to another homelessness discussion...this time at the Public Library.
By the way it was announced that Gordon Campbell would be one of the recipients of the 2011 Order of British Columbia term papers sale