That evening, we returned to the ship after stocking up on vodka, Russian wine and champagne, caviar, herring and smoked salmon for the voyage. As for the food on the ship, like the crew and staff, it’s Russian! This is not going to be the sort of cruise we have experienced in the Caribbean or the
Monday, August 6, 2007
Midnight in Moscow
Despite its prominence in world affairs throughout our lives, we have never had a burning desire to see Moscow . We came out of a curiosity to see what it was like, especially since the fall of Communism, and because it was the starting point for a river cruise to St. Petersburg .
The latest buzz in the internet world is the internet fax. The truth of the matter is an online fax company would not be able to sustain itself, if all it did was give away their faxing service. Perhaps, an even stronger argument can be made in regards to computers and keeping your business operations totally modern. Fini le gaspillage d'encre et de papier: Les fax indsirables et les innombrables publicits seront effacs d'un simple clic ! Songez aux conomies que vous raliserez sur vos consommables ! Vous recevez tous vos fax par Internet sur votre boite email, vous imprimez seulement ceux que qui vous intressent.